Monday, January 31, 2011

More Matthew

Leftovers from the weekend's pad thai were eaten in the form of collard green wraps for lunch today.  These were flippin' good.  (And yes, I do take make lots of goodies over the weekend, do a photo shoot in the daylight, and then pack everything up for the workweek. I am a weirdo. But a very prepared and well fed weirdo.)

I julienned (omg- I spelled that right on the first try!) carrots, red pepper and zukes to go along with the pad thai sauce and the cashew glaze.  I just love the versatility of collard greens.  (These are messy to eat, so keep an eye out for your favorite scarf as you snarf them down.)

The third weekend recipe I made from Matthew Kenney's Everyday Raw was Baked Macaroni and Cheese.  If I remember correctly (I was enjoying my weekend wine at the time), this recipe was simple to make.  One Vivian blend, a little Cook Help, and a tiny bit of time in the D (not necessary but fabulous) and this bowl of creamy goodness was ready to enter my mouth. 

A small serving was all I needed as it's pretty nut rich.  No, it doesn't really taste like the mac'n'cheese I remember, but it's a great substitute.  TH is not here so unfortunately I don't have a second opinion.  

And now, folks, let me admit once again my dessert problem.  (Keep in mind that my freezer is full of goodies.)  Last night I was scoping out Sweetly Raw and saw a new recipe for Dark Chocolate Mousse.  Quicker than my mom can log on to facebook, I was standing in front of Viv with the raw cacao bag.  W.O.W.  This recipe is amazing.  It calls for walnuts instead of the standard avocado that most raw foodies use in their mousse, and the difference is significant.  After I added a few chopped pecans and bits of chocolate caramel candies I was moaning with delight.  Even more exciting:  I was able to use of the last of some irish moss gel that may or may not have been starting to turn in the fridge.  (How do you know if irish moss is going bad?  It always smells weird so that doesn't help.)

Please excuse me, I must go taste this mousse again to see if I'm exaggerating. 

Question:   Do you collect anything interesting?  Or not interesting?  (I obviously collect desserts.)


  1. i tried to comment on your previous post repeatedly and can't get it to go through--let's see if it works on this one. I've been wanting to try that Mac'n'cheese, so good to hear your review. I've never had the 'real' thing, so no great comparisons to be made.

    Love your visual about the scarf when snarfing the food down: I've definitely run into that issue a few times of late!

    I haven't yet had irish moss go bad, but I bet it would be obvious when it did. It's supposed to live in water, so probably it keeps quite well (unscientific though that comment is!)

    I collect food supplies (hate running out of things, like to be stocked up) and rocks!

  2. The mac'n'cheese was good, just really rich. I can't remember if you do a lot of nuts...?

    Thanks for the irish moss tip. It makes sense that it would feel at home in water! :)

    I collect food supplies too! My mother in law is also a super-cute rock collector. She has a rock garden.
