Saturday, April 16, 2011

Date Night

The only thing I find slightly annoying about not having water is the laundry issue.  I used to dread the time consuming ordeal until we learned to combine the outing with wine and food.  Every other Thursday night, TH and I hit the town for a hot night of laundry.  We make it rain quarters at the Roadhouse, which is a popular accommodation for summer mountain climbers.

While the laundry is running we alternate between one of three yummy restaurants in town that stay open for the winter.  Last night we dined at the Wildflower, an expensive, but favorite, place.  (Can you believe how much snow we still have?)

 I had a massive salad and a malbec while TH ordered the sea scallops in tomato cream sauce (sorry, no photo; he started gobbling before I thought to snap a pic.)  I'm a pretty boring diner, I always order a salad.  TH doesn't understand why I even enjoy going out to eat, but I love not having to chop veggies or clean up after myself.  

We made it home in time for a lovely 9:30 p.m sunset:

Question:  Do you have any special tricks for making chores fun? (In my younger days, in my old house, I used to have an adult bevvie while cleaning.  Until the day the Dyson tumbled down the stairs without me, smashing a giant hole in the wall.) 


  1. you crack me up! when i was a teen i'd blast music while cleaning. i dread it so much that when i lived alone i asked my mom to come over and clean my apartment for my bday gift.=)

    wow, 930 sunset?! it's gorgeous.

  2. Wow, your snow pile is still impressive. And yes, those later and later sunsets are glorious.

    I'm impressed that you have a schedule for your laundry: that sounds like a great idea. Ours is kind of haphazard. Before we had internet at home, I would combine laundry with internetting (there's wifi there) and we splurge for showers sometimes too.

    I'm pretty bad at chores, but music or some kind of book on tape is a good helper. BUt your story is much better...

  3. It must be so cool living like you do in such a wonderful little town!! I always liked doing laundry at the laundromat in college--wierd I know.
    To make chores fun I have the kids do them! Even the baby--now 2 yrs old does some.
    Peace and Raw Health,

  4. @Elizabeth

    I love your chores comment- hee hee!
