Monday, August 1, 2011

Curry Guacamole, Jicama Fries, and an Oven Fire

I miss this:

My first mission after a tropical vacation is to spend a massive amount of money on produce.  I always feel like I'm going to get the shakes if I'm not surrounded by a plethora of fruits.  (TH knows this all too well and busies himself elsewhere when I'm forking over the Visa at the check stand.)  Amongst my overflowing cart this time were pineapples, avocados, and limes.  I decided to combine them all in a guacamole, and thinking back on my flavorful Ceviche-Seviche experience, I kicked it up a notch by adding curry.  I thought the result was interesting, and pretty tasty on cucumber slices.

Curry Guacamole
1/2 cup diced pineapple
1/2 diced red bell pepper
1/2 cup diced sweet onion
2 avocados, smooshed
2 cloves garlic, diced
juice of one lime
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon curry powder
1/2 teaspoon cumin
hot sauce to taste

I used hot sauce purchased in Bocas del Toro.  Don't you love the packaging?

Unfortunately the jicama I sliced up for the guacamole was not tasty at all.  That's the risk you take in buying jicama in Alaska.  I decided to be resourceful and use it in an alternate way.  I tossed the slices in 1/8 cup melted coconut oil, and liberal shakes of sea salt, garlic powder, and cayenne.  I baked the slices at 400 degrees for about an hour, flipping once.  They turned out pretty good!  I bet they would be absolutely delicious when made with a tasty jicama.  

One warning- I accidentally dropped some melted coconut oil in the base of the oven and started a fire!  It went out after a water dousing, but it was a little bit scary.  Ooops! 

Question:  Have you ever caught anything on fire in the kitchen? 


  1. Welcome back, btw!
    I love curry guac--your version sounds great. Pineapple in guac is awesome too.

    I adore jicama and it is such a tricky thing to buy in AK. I don't know if you saw a recent post where I mentioned I had a starchy, flavorless jicama and Phil suggested slicing it and then soaking in icy water, and it really helped and made it more juicy and yummy. But your solution is a great one!

    We only have a little toaster oven, but I managed to set it on fire last Christmas, when I was making a zillion things simultaneously. I didn't yet have a dehy, and was making candied nuts in front of the heater. They weren't dried enough, so I stuck them, on their way-oversized parchment paper sheets, in our tiny oven. Two minutes later, fire! I was right there doing a pile of dishes, so no harm done...

  2. oh yes I had quite a large fire in the oven....some time ago my kids had some friends over and they had pizza delivered--this was pre dairy free and gluten free days, I thought I could keep it warm in the oven for them...the box was touching the upper coil and it went up in flames.
    Your food looks wonderful but that bottle of pepper stuff, sorry but I don't think I could get myself to eat that.
    Peace and Raw Health,

  3. good save on the jicama!

    when i was teaching first grade, the school had a pj day. well yours truly was in charge of popcorn and somehow caught the microwave on fire! we all had to evacuate - in the freezing cold - wearing our pj's! teachers too! trucks and trucks of firemen were on the scene. what an adventure!=)

  4. @Ela

    Ooooh, I wish I would have recalled Phil's jicama solution, Ela! However, I think this jicama was beyond saving by water treatment alone.

    How lucky that you were near the toaster oven when the parchment caught on fire! I hope you salvaged the nuts....

  5. @kelli

    Kelli, that story is hilarious! It probably wasn't funny at the time, but I can't believe the fire happened on PJ day.

    BTW, I didn't realize that you'd formerly taught first grade! It makes sense as I've totally noticed your creative teacher side on your blog. :)
