Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm Feeling Saucy

This evening I made two of my favorite sauces:  Cheezy Hemp Nacho Sauce by Kristen Suzanne and Curry Sauce from Delightfully Raw.  I love them so much because all they require is an easy whirl in the blender and voila, you have a lovely accomplice for veggies, raw crackers or kelp noodles.  I would be perfectly happy on a Friday night curled up in a chair with a sauce filled Viv and a spoon.  Seriously, you must try.  You will be wishing you had a bitchin' spatula to get all the remnants out of the blender creases.

When I got back from Mexico this new friend was waiting for me at the PO:

I decided my first ice cream flavor would be chocolate from Sweetly Raw's The Ultimate Raw Ice Cream Cake Book.  TH's review:

  • ice cream maker= more white noise, which sends him scampering out to the mancave.
  • white noise=small price to pay for raw ice cream that tastes just as good as dark chocolate Coconut Bliss 
  • 4.5 out of 5 stars because the texture is a teensy bit grainy.

IMO, this was unbelievably good.  The best part was the ice cream maker took all of 20 minutes to turn liquid into a creamy pile of deliciousness.   (I might even go and do an Amazon review, that's how pleased I am.)  I can't wait to make a raw ice cream cake this weekend!  

Question:  When you are aggressively whipping something up in the kitchen and a little organic matter goes flying under the fridge, do you dig around for it or just leave it?  Just wondering. 


  1. Your question cracks me up. Probably depends on how big the "little" organic matter is, but in general I am a genuine slob and cleaning under the fridge is a once-every-2-years-or-so task :)

    That thing is super rad! I didn't realize it freezes whatever you're usaing AS it mixes or whatever. That is pretty neat! When we were kids, my parents had an old-fashioned ice cream churner and that was the only time we got ice cream unless it was a birthday. ALSO delicious.

    I was wondering how much more money do you spend eating raw vs. eating um... the other way? Haha. And do you end up having a lot of waste, or do you just go shopping like once a week or every 2 weeks? I'm just wondering about that because I end up wasting so much if I buy fresh produce :( I guess if my WHOLE way of eating was raw, I'd be more committed to eating and not wasting, but still curious :)

  2. P.S. those sauces sound amazing! Gonna have to check those out to try someday too :)

  3. I will have a bowl too please. That is great. I might have to look that one up. Though I am not allowed to call it ice cream, so I will have to come up with a different name.
    I wonder about the cost too. I have noticed a pretty big increase in the grocery bill mostly due to the nuts and other "raw" recipe ingredients. I have always bought a lot of veggies but it seems like the other stuff is pricey. Do you feel that way?

  4. Ok, just ordered it. It's was only $37 on Amazon. Two days from now I will be having some cashew coconut oil frozen treat. Yaya!

  5. Hi Ester Jean and CC! Thanks for stopping by. About moohlah- I spend a lot of money on food, especially produce. But I love food, and I decided that my happiness and health are worth the expense. I feel grateful to be in a situation where I can afford to be a little extravagant in this department. I might track my spendings and report back, but I might be scared to see the totals! I know raw can be done cheaper than I do it, in fact there's a great blog called Raw on $10 a day (or Less!). She whips up gorgeous economical concoctions.

  6. I think I'd be digging under the fridge, haha. You?

    An ice cream maker--sounds like so much fun! Sort of funny up here too, a lot of the time you can just set it outside and watch it freeze. But I love the idea of the churning, and the rapidity with which it worked! Our neighbors have a hand-cranked one (which interests me a lot: I'm a sucker for low-tech) but they're milk and sugar all the way...


  7. Oy, I wish I could dig under the fridge, but I can't handle what I find under there sometimes! Ignorance is bliss, I say.

    My parents also have an old school hand crank, and I love it, but I get a little time greedy sometimes. It's ironic, the other night we watched an awesome movie called 180 Degrees South, and among other things it discussed our over indulgent, power sucking society. My eyes kept wandering guiltily to my new ice cream machine and I felt pretty sheepish. :(

  8. @kt
    Hey you added the "reply code" on your blog. I was looking at doing this maybe. I have a little sorbet in my ice cream maker. I will post picks soon.

  9. Hey! The reply code was a pain in the patootie. I wish blogspot made it an automatic option. Can't wait to hear about the sorbet!
